Get a free diagnostic of your current customer experience to optimize your practices

Why complete this self-diagnosis?

  • Get an external look at your current customer experience practices.
  • Find out what your areas of improvement are.
  • Be proactive in improving your customer experience!
  • To further meet your customers’ needs and increase your sales.

What steps are required to get my diagnosis?

  1. Answer our questions.
  2. Receive your results by email.
  3. Then, you’ll be able to improve your customer experience accordingly to the results received!

*InputKit doesn’t guarantee the quality of a customer experience based on these answers. Customer experience is a complex area and this data is only a rough indicator of the state of affairs.

Get your customer experience diagnosis now

Discover all the improvements that will help your business better serve your customers

InputKit optimizes the customer experience of more than 520 businesses worldwide
